You can download the latest version of RivEX using the link below. This is a fully working version locked to the demonstration data supplied with RivEX. Use this version to explore the many tools of RivEX and see if the toolbox meets your needs. Ensure your system setup meets these minimum requirements. If you are updating RivEX, then read this page first.
Do not download RivEX until you have installed a specific version of the shapely python module into the active python environment of ArcGIS Pro.
A full step-by-step guide for installing the python module, along with the correct installation of the RivEX toolbox is provided in the RivEX manual here. This is MANDATORY and must be done BEFORE you download RivEX! With RivEX installed and licensed check out the getting started page in the install section of the manual to quickly link to the pages that guide you through using RivEX.
Latest version: 1.12